At the heart of ATRIUM lies a duality — two look books, one frozen in time, and the other a dynamic dance of visuals. In the moving look book, sound becomes the unseen hand that guides, meticulously crafted by the very hands that birth the garments. Specialist microphones capture the closest contact sounds of the design process — from the rhythmic hum of sewing to the crisp cadence of fabric being cut.
ATRIUM is a holistic journey, seamlessly merging physical and digital realms, offering an immersive encounter within exhibition spaces and the vast corridors of the website. Its allure extends beyond fashion; it is a commitment to inclusivity, sustainability, and quality. Backdrops, not mere scenery but relics of sustainability, are sourced from Finsbury Park's earth, set props from "set swap show," and energy harnessed from CSM’s renewable embrace.
Representing a clandestine gathering of minds, ATRIUM endeavours to showcase the functionality of garments across diverse bodies, inviting exploration of an alternate digital space where the significance of time and location dissolves.
Under the theme of obsolescence, seven CSM Fashion Design students challenge norms of beauty and society. Diverse bodies take centre stage, embodying conceptual poetry. Fastenings embrace all sizes, materials are purposefully chosen, and excess is rebelled against — ATRIUM stands as a defiance of extravagance.
Meet Julia O’Callaghan, a rebellion incarnate against the oppressive norms of Haute Couture. A nest of defiance, a rejection of a culture where off-the-runway garments are tailored to the exclusive embrace of size 0. Hear the echoes of her anger, resonating against the backdrop of a fashion industry dominated by those who decide what women should wear.
Yiran draws inspiration from the mature muse, becoming a living archive that challenges institutional norms with every stride.
Giacomo Goattin unravels the trans-obsceneness of Italy, where societal shackles deny the right to family. His performance, delicately balanced on high heels atop rocks, serves as a metaphor for a life built to fail. Stiff panels crack, revealing stretchable truths that accommodate diverse sizes — a poignant commentary on the fragility of societal constructs.
Explore more designers through ATRIUM’s virtual world, an archive that encapsulates garments, look books, campaigns, documentaries, and ethereal soundscapes narrating their genesis.
ATRIUM invites you to step into a world where mystery meets haute couture, where diversity and rebellion intertwine to create a tapestry of unparalleled beauty and consciousness.